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Diocese of Fresno   
As God's beloved people we are called in and through the Spirit to live in unity and love and to proclaim the Good News of Jesus,
Church > Dioceses and Parishes > North America > United States > California
Understanding God's Love   
Catholic bible study for understanding God's love.
Catholicism > Bible > Bible study
Claretian Missionaries USA Province   
Like our founder, Saint Anthony Mary Claret, we strive to reflect God's reign of life, love, justice, and peace.
Orders > Orders of Men > Claretians
Saint Joseph Parish   
We, the community of St. Joseph , Wakefield , MA , proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ in all areas of our lives and recognize Christ in all people. We believe in and are witness to the love of God, self and others.
Church > Dioceses and Parishes > North America > United States > Massachusetts
Sisters of St Paul de Chartres (Hong Kong)   
We, the Sisters of St Paul de Chartres, spurred on by the love of Christ, form an apostolic religious community in the Catholic Church. Consecrated to God by the profession of chastity, poverty and obedience.
Orders > Orders of Women > Sisters of St.Paul of Chartres
Sisters of the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament   
It is with great joy that we invite you to share our passion for God's love in our world, incarnate in the person of Jesus. In the spirit of our 17th century French
Orders > Orders of Women
Sisters of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, Boston, MA   
The Sisters of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus are a Religious Congregation of women whose dedication to the love and service of God and our fellow men and women
Orders > Orders of Women
Archdiocese of Philadelphia   
Features its mission statement, diocesan directory, parishes, the tenth synod, archbishop statements, pastoral planning, news, and links. At the heart of Catholic Faith is the living person of Jesus Christ who desires to encounter every human being personally to transform his life and bring him eternal happiness in Heaven. Catholics believe that God created the world in love, that human beings fell away from that love through sin, but that God has restored us to his love in his Son, Jesus Christ. In Jesus Christ, we discover God who became visible: he became man, lived a fully human life, suffered and died on the Cross for our sins and rose from the dead. To fulfill his promise to “be with you always, even until the end of the age” (Mt 28:20), Jesus established his Church as the place where every human being can encounter him. The whole of Catholic belief and life flows out of this reality. To learn more about what Catholics believe, how we live, and how we pray, please explore the links below. If you have any questions, please send us a message through the Contact Us page. Welcome!
Church > Dioceses and Parishes > North America > United States > Pennsylvania > Philadelphia
Youth In Christ   
Our mission is simple: to bring the Good News of God’s great love to families by giving them tools and opportunities to encounter and share His love in their homes, in their communities, and in the greater Catholic Church
Youth > Youth Ministries
Claretians lanka   
The Claretian Missionaries are a Roman Catholic Religious Congregation dedicated to the mission of living and spreading the Word, using all possible means to set everyone on fire with God's love. Sri Lankan Mission of the Claretians started in 1991
Orders > Orders of Men > Claretians
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