Chiesa S. Lucia al Gonfalone - Roma
Missionari Clarettiani. S. Lucia entrò ben
presto nel novero dei Santi più amati dai
romani. Oltre a testi letterari che
testimoniano la sua presenza nel culto romano
fin dal sec. VI.
Claretian Missionaries
Father Provincial expressed his sentiments of joy and hope, seeing seven young missionaries readying themselves for God's work, and thanked them for the gift of their commitment in the Claretian Congregation.
Congregação dos Missionários Filhos do
Imaculado Coração de Maria fundada por Antônio
Maria Claret
Claretians - Eastern Province
The Claretian Missionaries are a Roman Catholic religious community of priests and brothers. We are dedicated to the mission of living and spreading the Gospel of Jesus.
Claretians de Catalunya
El Superior General dels Claretians, el Pare Mathew Vattamattam, va visitar el passat 29 de novembre los Negrales (Provincia de Santiago) en motiu de la 22ª edició del programa Fragua.
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