Archdiocese of Singapore
Veritas, the official website of the Catholic
Archdiocese of Singapore. Contains the
Singapore church directory.
Catholic Church of Holy Trinity
Mass in English, Mandarin, and Tagalog. Mass
schedule and regular prayer times during the
week, staff directory, recent bulletins,
parish groups, photo album of special events
in the parish.
Catholic Church of St. Bernadette
Offers English, Chinese, Indonesian, and
Filipino masses. Regular schedule, news items,
brief parish history, upcoming events, contact
persons for parish groups.
Church of Saint Anne
Located in Sengkang East Way, this church site
has a special focus on their RCIA program.
Church of Saint Francis of Assisi
A chapel, built at Tuas Village in 1958 by the
late Rev. Fr. Joachim Teng, Parish Priest of
St. Joseph’s Church in Bukit Panjang, was the
humble beginning of our church.
Church of the Holy Cross
Contact information, schedule of services,
virtual tour, information on parish
ministries. Singapore.
싱가포르 착한목자 한인천주교회
싱가폴 'A' Queen Street 소재. 본당역사, 사목단체, 신부님, 위치 안내, 미사/교리 안내, 주일학교 소개, 주보, 싱가폴 안내, 신자 코너, 자유게시판, 추천 사이트 등의 정보를 제공.
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