Barmherzige Schwestern
Kongregation der Barmherzigen Schwestern in
Innsbruck. Die Arbeit der Schwestern im
Sanatorium Kettenbrücke, Haus Marillac,
Katholisches Oberstufenrealgymnasium, Volks -
und Hauptschule.
Daughters of Charity Province of St. Louise
The Daughters of Charity are an international community of women dedicated to serving the poor, following in the footsteps of Vincent de Paul, Louise de Marillac and Elizabeth Seton.
Daughters Of Charity, Evansville IN
Daughters of Charity: 142 Years (and Counting) in Evansville
MARCH 20, 2014
Sister Rosaria Raidl
Sister Rosaria Raidl, D.C.
The following article was originally posted on The Message. View the story on page 22 here.
Women’s Religious Orders Serving the Diocese of Evansville
When was your congregation founded?
The Daughters of Charity were founded in 1633.
What is your order?
The Daughters of Charity are a Society of Apostolic Life, given to God, in Community for the service of the poor.
Daughters of Charity, Province of the West USA
The Sisters of the Province of the West live the mission they gave the first sisters through ministries in the fields of health, education, parish programs, residential care of children and social services to families.
Figlie della Carità di san Vincenzo De' Paoli
Collegandovi al sito avrete la possibilità di
conoscere i fondatori, la storia, la presenza
nel mondo, ecc. della Congregazione delle
Figlie della Carità di San Vincenzo De' Paoli.
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