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Canons Regular of the New Jerusalem   
Clerical institute promoting the traditional Latin liturgy.
Catholic Tradition   
Supports the Traditional Latin Mass and offers Catholic Family News articles.
Latin Liturgy Association   
The Latin Liturgy Association was founded in 1975 to promote the use of Latin, the customary language of the Roman Catholic Church, as appropriate in the liturgies of the contemporary church.
Latin Liturgy Novus Ordo Mass Books   
Founded in 1969 to encourage and extend the use of Latin in the liturgy of the Catholic Church. Under the patronage of the Bishops Conference of England and Wales. The Roman Church has special obligations towards Latin - Pope John Paul II.
Saint Gregory Society   
nonprofit lay association to promote the local celebration of the Traditional Latin liturgy according to the Tridentine Missal.
St. Hugh of Lincoln in Milwaukee, Wisconsin   
Saint Hugh of Lincoln Church is the home of the Traditional Catholic Mass in Milwaukee. We hold firm to the teachings of the Catholic Church prior to the changes of Vatican II. We celebrate the mass following the traditional Latin Rite.
The Holy Mass   
This website provides a pictorial study of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass (Pius V Missal). It contains more than seventy classic black and white photos with text, which are organized to help the Catholic Faithful better understand the various actions of t
The Indult Tridentine Rite of Mass   
The Latin Mass according to the 1962 rubrics, as allowed by the Papal Encyclical Ecclesia Dei Adflicta
Una Voce   
supporting the authorized celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass & wider appreciation of Gregorian Chant and Sacred Polyphony.
Vereniging Latijnse Liturgie   
Afdeling Groningen. Informatie over eucharistievieringen, het Schola Cantorum, Maria en een overweging.

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