Brisbane Thomse More Center
The Thomas More Centre aims to deepen our
knowledge of the faith; Explore bioethical
issues; Study political and social issues in
accordance with authentic Christian teaching
and to challenge utilitarianism, subjectivism,
materialism and nihilism.
Catholic Archdiocese of Brisbane
The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Brisbane,
Queensland, Australia. Lead by Archbishop John
Bathersby and four vicariates: Archdiocesan
Services, Brisbane Catholic Education,
Centacare Brisbane and Faith & Life.
브리즈번 한인성당
Brisbane Korean Catholic Community. 호주 브리즈번(Brisbane) 소재. 본당소개, 연혁, 사목회, 신앙교리, 행사사진, 교우업소, 단체 게시판, 주보, 자료실 등의 정보를 제공.
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