Diocese of Oakland
We are a culturally diverse community of Catholics living in the Northern California counties of Alameda and Contra Costa, under the spiritual leadership of the Most Reverend John S. Cummins,
St. Theresa Church
We, the Church of St. Theresa in Oakland, see ourselves as a Catholic community of faith grounded in the universal Catholic tradition. We are gathered by the word of scripture, the celebration of the Eucharist and the gospel call to service
오클랜드 성 김대건 한인성당
미국 캘리포니아(California) 주 오클랜드(Oakland) 소재. 본당소개, 연혁, 미사안내, 주보성인, 사목협의회, 구역모임, 청소년/청년부, 나눔의 광장, 천주교 자료실, 게시판 등의 정보를 제공.
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