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The Legion Of Mary   
Homepage of Our Lady of fatima Praesidium at St Colmcilles Parish, Holywood.
Organizations > Lay Apostolate > Legion of Mary
Our Lady of fatima Catholic Church   
Situated just north of the city of Durban, Our Lady of fatima Parish is part of the Durban Central & North Deanery of the Archdiocese of Durban.
Church > Dioceses and Parishes > Africa > South Africa
The Blue Army of Our Lady of fatima   
The Blue Army of Our Lady of fatima is a Church approved Catholic Lay Association, more than 50 years old, founded to spread the message of Our Lady of fatima. Members pray a part of the Rosary each day.
Organizations > Lay Apostolate > World Apostolate of Fatima(The Blue Army)
Diocese of Scranton PA   
The official website for The Diocese of Scranton, located in Scranton, Pennsylvania, USA. Serving 11 counties, we offer many different areas of interest - from Catholic Television (CTV) to fatima Retreat Center - search our NEW Online Diocese Directory.
Church > Dioceses and Parishes > North America > United States > Pennsylvania
Asociación Cultural Salvadme Reina de Fátima   
Dedicada a divulguar la devoción a Jesús, por medio de María. Actividades para todas las edades. Historias marianas en formato ASF.
Catholicism > Marian
The Holy Rosary   
It's a web site dedicated to the prayer of the Holy Rosary and the message of Our Lady of fatima
Catholicism > Prayer and Devotions > Rosary
Virgin of fatima Association / Association Vierge de fatima   
Les différentes associations « Vierge de fatima » du monde entier travaillent en communion avec le Saint-Père, les évêques et les prêtres de l'Église catholique.
Organizations > Movements
The Immaculate Heart   
Dedicated to fullfilling Our Lady of fatima's request of establishing throughout the world, devotion to The Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Catholicism > Spirituality > Apparitions > Fatima
Asociación Cultural Nuestra Señora de Fátima   
Asociación de seglares, que se dedica a trabajar en la evangelización en fé católica.
Organizations > Lay Apostolate > World Apostolate of Fatima(The Blue Army)
Notre Dame de fatima   
Présentation des apparitions de fatima, documents sur le procès de béatification et les secrets révélés.
Communities > Traditional Catholics > Society of Saint Pius X
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