Revolution of Love(RoL)
 a collection of articles, reviews, testimonies
and interviews about living your Catholic
faith each day. It is an open-letter, serving
as a tool to connect and share the Gospel
message with Gen X & Y -- the JPII Generation.
Reza el Rosario
 Rezar el Santo Rosario, adoración online,
capilla, evangelio del día, homilías, liturgia
de las horas, catecismo, biblia, viacrucis,
testimonios, nueva era, ocultismo, radio,
podcast, sectas, Papa Francisco, cine´.
Thomas Evangelie
 Nederlandse HomePage van het Thomas Evangelie. Informatie over dit 'vijfde evangelie' en veel links naar sites over dit onderwerp.
 Saints, Sainthood, and Society (Halsall)
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