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Catholic Studies Database    
This database of institutes and organizations working in Catholic Social Thought is a result of a collaborative effort between the John A. Ryan Institute for Catholic Social Thought and the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace.
Choisis d'aimer   
Textes de Philippe Lestang. Ressources d'études bibliques.
Christ or Chaos   
Christ or Chaos has been dedicated from its outset to the restoration of the Social Reign of Christ the King and the restoration of the Traditional Latin Mass.
Gedanken und Überlegungen   
Diese Botschaften wurden an Carmela Carabelli vom Barmherzigen Jesus diktiert. Diese Schriften sind wahrhaft reich an Glauben und heiligem Eifer für die Sache Gottes. Bischof von Termoli Monsignore Santoro 9. Jan. 1972
Ce site veut rendre compte du présupposé qui guide nos recherches sur les Pères de l'Église. Nous définissons la patristique comme une discipline théologique, c'est-à-dire comme une discipline qui présuppose la foi en Jésus-Christ mort et ressuscité.
Peter and Paul Ministries   
Promotes and teaches the beauty and truth of the Catholic Faith.
Peter Kreeft   
This site's Featured Writing about the ocean of God's love are only a few thimblefuls. For God's love is an infinite, shoreless sea we are destined to swim in, surf in, and grow in forever.
Discernement avec 13.000 pages de textes mystiques en ligne. Icones Russes. Photos.Vente de livres anciens, rares ou d'occasion. Services ou apprentissage en informatique
The Christianity Guide   
The site for christian culture, history, denominations, catholicism, protestantism, the bible, sermons and many more topics for your religious studies.
The Social Agenda    
Students, teachers, and all those who seek a better knowledge of the social doctrine of the Church will find contained within this collection the central statements of the Roman Pontiffs from a range of texts

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