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Catholic Charities of the East Bay   
Catholic Charities of the East Bay, inspired by God's love for all, serves people in need, advocates for justice in social structures, and collaborates with others to build just, compassionate communities.
Organizations > Charities
Blauvelt Dominican Sisters - Blauvelt, New York   
The Blauvelt Dominican Congregation is part of the worldwide Dominican family founded by Dominic de Guzman in Europe in 1216. Their mission is to preach the good news of the compassionate love of God for every person.
Orders > Orders of Women > Dominican Sisters
Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Sorrows   
The Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Sorrows, a living part of the Church, has received from God through their foundress, Blessed Elisabetta Renzi, the gift of witnessing in the world to the enduring presence of the preferential love of Christ
Orders > Orders of Women
Passionist Nuns, Clarks Summit, PA   
The Passionist Nuns are a contemplative community witnessing to the primacy of God and the love of God revealed in the Passion of Jesus the Christ.
Orders > Orders of Women > Passionist Nuns
Renewing Your Love for God   
The Redemptorist Retreat Center on secluded Crooked Lake, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin. A place where you can rest and renew your love for God.
Catholic Culture > Retreat Centers
Little Sisters of the Poor - Evansville, IN    
The Little Sisters of the Poor arrived in Evansville in 1882. They came with nothing except a love for God and a willingness to serve him through the aged poor.
Orders > Orders of Women > Little Sisters of the Poor
National Association of the Holy Name Society   
The National Association of the Holy Name Society promotes the honor and glory of our Divine God and the personal sanctification of its members by acts of love and devotion to the most Holy Name of Jesus.
Communities > Associations
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church   
The Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community seeks to be the reconciling presence of Christ. We are committed and sent forth to witness the love of God by serving the spiritual, educational, emotional and physical Needs of our community.
Church > Dioceses and Parishes > North America > United States > Texas
Our Lady of the Holy Souls Catholic Church   
Our Lady of the Holy Souls Parish is a family of believers seeking to know, love, and serve God as a faith community. To celebrate the presence of Christ among us.
Church > Dioceses and Parishes > North America > United States > Arkansas
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church in Houston, Texas   
We the Church of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Community in the Galveston - Houston Diocese is a people united by our faith in the love of God the Father, in the grace of Jesus His Son, and in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Church > Dioceses and Parishes > North America > United States > Texas > Houston
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