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MFVA – Franciscan Missionaries of the Eternal Word   
And he called to him the multitude with his disciples, and said to them, “If any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me
Orders > Orders of Men > Franciscans
Serra Catholic School   
Serra Catholic School is located on Antonio Parkway at Avenida De Las Banderas in Rancho Santa Margarita. This site is along the historical Mission trail blazed by Father Serra.
Education > Elementary/Primary Schools
Christ the King Catholic Church   
Kansas City. Contact information, Mass schedule, staff directory, Mission statement, parish history. Too wide for smaller monitors.
Church > Dioceses and Parishes > North America > United States > Missouri
Capuchin Franciscan Friars   
Serving New York/New England and the Mission areas of Central America and the South Seas
Orders > Orders of Men > Franciscans > Capuchins
Catholic Spiritual Reflections   
A scripture-based evangelization site designed to focus the person of the Incarnate Word, his life, Mission, church and his great love for mankind; to elicit a loving response from mankind in return.
Catholicism > Evangelization
Sisters of Divine Providence Website   
The Sisters of Divine Providence in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania is an apostolic community of 270 women religious and 60 Co- Members of varied and diverse backgrounds and talents whose Mission is to make God's Providence more visible in the world.
Orders > Orders of Women > Divine Providence
Midwest Province Congregation of the Vincentian   
Midwest Province of the Congregation of the Mission, known as the Vincentians after our founder St. Vincent dePaul. Our Mission is to follow Jesus Christ, evangelizing the poor.
Orders > Orders of Men > Vincentians
Institute of Sisters of Mercy of Australia   
History, Mission statement, current issues, forums, contact details, and information for regional congregations.
Orders > Orders of Women > Sisters of Mercy
Catholic Welfare Services   
Our Mission is to promote human dignity, to highlight the preciousness of life, to encourage people to live life fully, and to help people to integrate better into society.
Organizations > Charities
Saint Theresa's Primary School   
Finchley, London, England. Location, Mission statement, prospectus, school history.
Education > Elementary/Primary Schools
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