Latest visited sites |
Diocese of Steubenville OH
  The official website for the Diocese of Steubenville, Ohio, USA. http://www.diosteub.org
Dominicans Interactive
  Website created by the Irish Dominican Province and
aimed at promoting the Gospel using modern media
techniques. The website includes video series, audio series
and written reflections. Our iDoms Reader can be
downloaded from the App Store! http://www.dominicansinteractive.com/
Holy Family Catholic Church Orlando Florida
  Holy Family Catholic Church Orlando Florida Home Page. http://www.holyfamilyorlando.com/
Little Children Pray
  This site offers help for anyone who supports very young children, perhaps ages 3 to 6 or even a bit older, in their prayers and thus in the beginnings of their relationship with God. http://www.cptryon.org/prayer/child/
Sisters of Charity, Baltic, CT
  Sisters of Charity of Our Lady Mother of the Church we embrace our two-fold mission of Sanctity and Service. http://www.sistersofcharity.com/
Saint Anthony's Parish
  St. Cloud. Mission statement, historical
timeline, staff directory, contact
information, Mass times. http://www.stanthonys.net
About Rome - The Vatican City
  Full guide to the city of Rome, Italy, with
detailed information about Vatican City, its
history and history of Popes. Find all details
about the State of the Vatican City. http://www.aboutroma.com/vatican-city.html
Faithful Magazine
  A Catholic magazine for teen girls. http://www.faithfulmagazine.webs.com
  online study of baptism in the New Testament Scriptures. http://www.bebaptized.org
Sisters of the Presentation, Dubuque, IA
  Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary http://www.dubuquepresentations.org/