Br. Tom Murphy, O.Carm.
 This site is owned and operated by me, Br. Tom Murphy, O. Carm. All original content here is mine, except where explicitly noted.
Brother Jack (Jakobus) Wirth FFSC
 Brother Jack (Jakobus) Wirth, founder of the
Fransiscan Brothers of the Holy Cross FFSC.
Official site with biography.
Site in English, French, German, Polish,
Thomas Berry, C.P.
 His major contributions to the discussions on the environment are in his books The Dream of the Earth (Sierra Club Books, 1998), The Great Work: Our Way Into the Future (Random House/Bell Towers, 1999), and Evening Thoughts:
오세일 신부의 홈페이지
 예수회 오세일 대건 안드레아 신부님의 홈. 프로필, 기도와 강론, 세상 읽기, 앨범, 나눔터 등의 정보를 제공.
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