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Alive Publishing   
Catholic publishing house celebrating Christian and Catholic faith through magazines, books and newspapers
American Catholic Press (ACP)   
American Catholic Press (ACP) is a publisher of hymnals, missals, books, and other materials for the liturgy, both in celebration and education.
Augustinian Press   
We offer hundreds of products such as Books, Artwork, Icons, Greeting Cards and Music CDs. In addition we provide online articles and links to daily mediations, spiritual ormation, and Augustinian spirituality.
Ave Maria Press   
Ave Maria Press is home to Sorin Books, Forest of Peace, Christian Classics, and Spiritual Book Associates. It perpetuates Sorin's vision to honor Mary and provide an important outlet for good Catholic writing, and more.
Boletines Informativos de CONFER   
Publicación de la Conferencia Española de Religiosos.
Catholic Telephone Guide - Catholic News Publishing   
For more than 75 years, Catholic Telephone Guide has served the New York, New Jersey, Connecticut tri-state area as the only complete and up to date directory of Catholic churches, schools, hospitals and thousands of other Catholic organizations.
Catholic Truth Society - Publishers to the Holy See   
Charity publisher of devotional, spiritual, biographical booklets. vatican documents and educational books for Catholic Schools.
Claretian Publications   
Claretian Publications is a member of Claret Publishing Group, a consortium of the publishing houses of the Claretian Missionaries all over the world: Bangalore, Barcelona, Buenos Aires, Chennai, Macau, Madrid, Manila and São Paolo.
Site du groupe Bayard Presse. Guide du web chrétien, animations spirituelles, l'actualité religieuse, la pensée et les écrits de l'Église.
Ediciones San Pablo   
Novedades y ofertas en libros, bíblias, música religiosa y video cintas. Incluye un club de lectores, artículos y documentos católicos, capítulos de libros para leer en línea y noticias.

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