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Access to Catholic Social Justice   
The study, practice, and spirituality of Catholic social justice teachings may be hazardous to your hard-heartedness, complacency, skepticism, indifference, and hubris. Proceed at your own risk!
ACPP- Working for Justice & Peace in Asia   
ACPP runs Hotline Asia, a project offering solidarity and support to correct injustice in Asia. Make the right connections for your human rights and social
Arab American Roman Catholic community standing for truth, justice and peace.
Australian Catholic Social Justice Council   
The Australian Catholic Social Justice Council (ACSJC) was set up by the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference (ACBC) in 1987 as the national justice and peace agency of the Catholic Church in Australia.
Cardinal Kung Foundation   
A human rights organization and an advocate for the underground Roman Catholic Church in China.
Catholic Citizenship   
Our goal is to promote both education and involvement in the political process. Ideally, we seek to get to the point where all candidates are pro-life, pro-family and promote policies to alleviate the suffering of our poorest citizens.
Catholic Commission for Social Justice   
The archdiocesan commission created to promote social justice in the Archdiocese of Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago
Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights   
The nation's largest Catholic civil rights organization, the League defends individual Catholics and the institutional Church from defamation and discrimination.
Catholic Social Services Australia   
Catholic Social Services Australia advances the social service ministry which is integral to the Mission of the Catholic Church in Australia
Catholics for the Common Good   
A lay apostolate for the evangelization of culture through the Church’s social teaching inspired by John Paul II. See Catechism indexed by contemporary issues. http://www.ccgaction.org/catechism

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