Home > Organizations > Family/ Life (67)

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Culture of Life Foundation   
The Culture of Life Foundation seeks to deepen public understanding of bioethics, the family, marriage, popular culture, and the dignity of the human person.
Amour et vérité   
Association catholique ayant pour but la promotion humaine et spirituelle du couple, de la famille et des jeunes.
[Milano] Associazione Amici nella promozione internazionale lasalliana. Presentazione dei progetti di adozione a distanza, borse di studio e case di accoglienza.
Apple Seeds   
The intent of "Apple Seeds" is to provide quotations and short stories from eclectic sources that promote positive attitudes, and development of holistic human dignity--from tiny seeds to ripened fruit.
Associazione Punto Familia - La famiglia delle famiglie   
Punto Familia: la famiglia delle famiglie. Servizi per la coppia, i genitori, i separati e divorziati.
Australian Catholic Migrant & Refugee Office   
Australian Catholic Migrant and Refugee Office. on Memorandum of Understanding; file icon ACMRO offers sympathy on death of Afghan asylum seeker
Beginning Experience   
A program for individuals suffering from the loss of a loved one due to death, divorce or separation.
Camp Marymount, Fairview TN, USA   
Camp Marymount is operated by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Nashville (TN). Coed, ages 6 - 16. Junior and senior camp programs.
Catholic Earthcare Australia   
Catholic Earthcare Australia is the ecological agency of the Australian Catholic Bishops' Conference.
Catholic Familyland   
The Apostolate for Family Consecration was founded and approved by the Church in the Holy Year of 1975. It seeks to help transform families, neighborhoods, schools and parishes into evangelizing communities.

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