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Dead Sea Scrolls   
The exhibition Scrolls From the Dead Sea: The Ancient Library of Qumran and Modern Scholarship brings before the American people a selection from the scrolls which have been the subject of intense public interest.
Christus Rex et Redemptor Mundi   
Catholic art and documents. Includes Catechism of the Catholic Church in several languages. Also hosts the home pages of several orders and groups.
Agenda For Prophets   
Seeks to articulate a prophetic perspective on church affairs and on wider social, cultural and political issues. Articles, archive, quotes and contact.
Catholic National Library   
The Catholic National Library has 65,000 books and periodicals including theology, spirituality and related subjects, biography, history (including Catholic Family History), and many works not available elsewhere. Central London.
Catholic Church Hierarchy   
This web site provides basic information about current and historical people (Bishops) and places (Dioceses) which form the Catholic Hierarchy around the world. The site now covers the entire world.
Catholic Source   
Catholicsource is a GREAT resource in learning about the Catholic faith. It includes an active message board, many links to sites that explain and defend Catholicism. Information on Homeschooling. Regularly scheduled chats.
Saints, Sainthood, and Society (Halsall)
Revolution of Love(RoL)   
a collection of articles, reviews, testimonies and interviews about living your Catholic faith each day. It is an open-letter, serving as a tool to connect and share the Gospel message with Gen X & Y -- the JPII Generation.
The Franciscan Archive   
A WWW Resource on St. Francis do Assisi and everything Franciscan.
Gloriana's Court   
Medieval culture and spirituality. Essay topics include Francis of Assisi, Julian of Norwich, the Cloud of Unknowing, apocrypha.
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