Web dedicada a la defensa de la fe catolica.Con material muy útil para el católico, le servirá de ayuda frente al proselitismo de las sectas.Sección de Mariologia, Trinidad, Pontificado,Leyendas Negras,Escatologia etc.
 Defensa de la fe y artículos sobre las sectas.
Revisión de temas históricos polémicos.
 Este es un sitio Web creado con la finalidad de
colaborar en la tarea evangelizadora
profundizando en la apologética.
 Portal que busca promover la defensa de la fe
en la pastoral de la Iglesia. Promovido por
los Misioneros de la Palabra de Dios.
Biblical Evidence for Catholicism
 Catholic biblical apologetics, theology, history, exegesis, Bible discussion, and analysis of Protestantism, led by apologist and author
Biblical Evidence for Catholicism
 This is a very large and multi-faceted site created by Catholic apologist Dave Armstrong, whose purpose is to provide information concerning the whole of Catholic theology.
Catholic Answers [catholic.com]
 A major Apologetics site. Contains a large number of pamphlet style questions and answers about the Faith, as well as sample articles from the magazine "This Rock" and a RealAudio archive of all of their daily one-hour talkback Catholic radio programs.
Catholic Biblical Apologetics
 A set of lecture notes used since 1985 to teach the basis for key doctrines and dogmas of the Roman Catholic Church.
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