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Capuchin Youth and Family MInistries   
This is the official home page of Capuchin Youth and Family Ministries.
Children of Hope   
Children of Hope is promoting Eucharistic adoration of Jesus in His Real Presence in the monstrance exposed in Catholic churches around the world. We want children brought into His presence for holy hours that lead them into contmplative prayer.
Comunidad Jovenes Catolicos Cibernautas   
Somos un grupo de Jóvenes Católicos de América Latina y Europa nuestro gran compromiso es dar testimonio de Fe en Jesus, esta Comunidad nació de la necesidad de involucrarlos en la Web y ser participes de Cristo y Maria.
Encuentro de Jóvenes Dehonianos   
Encontro humano e cristão dos jovens com actividades para o empenho e aprofundamento da vida cristã.
Faithful Magazine   
A Catholic magazine for teen girls.
Prenatal information about baby development. Learn how a fetus develops through Prenatal Pictures, early life Sonograms, descriptions of the fetus in each gestational period, and follow the development cycle from conception to birth.
Jugendhomepage Pfarre Maria Treu   
Berichtet über kirchliche Ereignisse für Jugendliche, die Firmung, Veranstaltungen, die Jugendgruppe, sportliche Aktivitäten, der Jugendchor, ein Servicebereich mit Informationen zur Pfarre und Liedertexte als Downloads.
Juventud Franciscana "Fray Leon"   
Fraternidad de Jovenes Franciscanos que seguimos a Jesus y sus enseñanzas, a ejemplo de nuestro hermano San Francisco. Colaboramos en la Basilica de San Francisco de la ciudad de La Paz - Bolivia
Life Teen   
LIFE TEEN is a comprehensive program designed to minister to high school teens of all faiths from a uniquely Catholic base. Attempting to reach teens on spiritual, emotional and social levels,
Lilies of Saint Maria - Saint Maria's Messenger Magazine   
A Catholic magazine for girls ages ten through teen and dedicated to Saint Maria Goretti. Our mission is help girls become "Great Women Saints."

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