Home > Organizations > Lay Apostolate (25)

Catholic Action (20)
Divine Mercy (15)
Knights of Columbus (15)
Legion of Mary (15)
Society of St. Vincent de Paul (10)
World Apostolate of Fatima(The Blue Army) (3)
Worldwide Marriage Encounter (25)
Sites List Viewing in Total Sites (25)
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Alexian Brothers   
The Congregation of Alexian Brothers is a lay, apostolic, Catholic Order whose Brothers, bound together by religious vows, dedicate themselves primarily to live in community and to the ministry of healing in the tradition of the Roman Catholic.
Ancient Order of Hibernians Organization   
The Ancient Order of Hibernians (AOH) is the oldest Catholic lay organization in America. Officially formed in New York in 1836, it was born in anger centuries earlier in Ireland, after successive invasions by those who tried to master the Irish.
Apostleship of The Sea   
Source for all seafarers around the world.
Apostleship of the Sea   
The work of the Roman Catholic Church in the maritime world.
Apostolate of Our Lady of Guadalupe   
JKMI - We are the apostolates of Jesus King of All Nations, The Missionary Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe and Our Lady of America.
Catholic Evangelism   
Catholic Evangelism is a lay apostolate in service to Jesus Christ, the Word of God ( Jn 1:1 ) incarnate. This Catholic lay apostolate serves to build up the Body of Christ which is the Church.
Catholics for Israel    
We are an apostolate of Catholics for Israel and Catholics in Israel committed to fostering a greater love for the Jewish people, for Jesus the Messiah, and for His Body, the Catholic Church.
Catholics United for the Faith   
Catholics United for the Faith is an international lay apostolate, building on the only sure foundation for happiness and renewal of the family and society: the teachings of Jesus Christ and His Church.
ChristLife is a Catholic apostolate established by Cardinal William Keeler to equip Catholics for the essential work of evangelization so that others might come to know personally the love of God through Jesus Christ, in the Holy Spirit.
Direction For Our Times   
Home of the Lay Apostles of Jesus Christ, the Returning King. This organization disseminates the messages from Jesus as given to Anne, a lay apostle whose books have been approved by her local bishop.

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