Associazione Missionaria Solidarietà e
Sviluppo. Presentazione, i progetti in corso,
la rivista Uomini con gli Uomini, il Centro
missioni Frati Cappuccini.
Catholic Extension: Supporting Missionary Work in America
 Under the direction of Monsignor Kenneth Velo, Catholic Extension funds American Catholic missionaries, seminarian education, outreach programs, church building and renovation, and countless pursuits of goodwill in 75 of the poorest dioceses in America.
Catholic Mission
 Official mission aid agency. Includes a
bulletin board and stories and photos from the
Catholic Volunteer/Missionary Opportunities
 Interested in catholic volunteer or missionary work? The St. Vincent Pallotti Center publishes a directory of 120 full-time faith based volunteer programs based in the United States and overseas.
Columban Fathers
 The Missionary Society of St. Columban, approved by the Holy See in 1918, is an international missionary organization sent by the Catholic Church.
 Ordensgemeinschaft mit etwa 4000 Mitgliedern, die schwerpunktmäßig in Übersee arbeiten.
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