Arlington Carmel, Arlington TX
 Arlington Carmel was founded in 1958. Our first monastery was in Fort Worth, Texas, in two renovated residences, where we lived our contemplative Carmelite life for 26 years
beata m. Maria Crocifissa Curcio
 beata m. Maria Crocifissa Curcio e p. Lorenzo van den Eerenbeemt. fondatori delle suore Carmelitane missionarie di s. Teresa di Gesù bambino. entra.
Boston Carmel Monastery
 A community of contemplative nuns of the Discalced (Teresian) Carmelite Order in Roxbury, Boston, Massachussetts.
Byzantine Discalced Carmelites
 Discalced Carmelite Nuns of the Byzantine Catholic Church - Holy Annunciation Monastery belongs to the Order of Discalced Carmelites
Carmel of Concord, NH
 Carmelite prayer is prophetic because it entails both contemplative union with God and action on behalf of “the widow and orphan,” the sick, the homeless, the war-torn. The Carmelite way is a path of faith.
Carmel of Maria Regina, Eugene, OR
 The Aquero Foundation is a religious, non-profit corporation. As stated in the articles of incorporation and approved by the internal revenue service
Carmel of Mary, Mother of Grace - Lafayette, Louisiana
 To be a Carmelite is to be prayer and love in the heart of the Church through intimate, personal union with Jesus flowing from contemplative prayer and pondering the word of God fostered by silence and solitude. We are located in Lafayette, Louisiana.
Carmel of Mary, Wahpeton, ND
 Community Life · Vocation · Bride of Christ · Empty Hands · Gallery · History. “ Master, where do You dwell?” Jesus replied: “Come and see.”
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