Catholic Online Saints & Angels
 Welcome to the Saints and Angels page at Catholic Online. It is the largest collection of facts and information concerning Saints and Angels on the Internet.
 This site has information on topics with patron saints, and profiles of those saints. Profiles have portraits, biographical information, areas of patronage, prayers, links to related sites, readings, etc.
Celebrating saints days
 Festive Links to Seasonal Celebrations. CAUTION Not necessarily Catholic, but a light hearted, beautifully decorated site with lots of information and suggestions.
I Santi
 I santi presentati con brevi profili in ordine alfabetico o secondo il calendario. Sezione sui patroni.
 Origine et étymologie des prénoms, des fêtes, des saints, la vie des saints.
Ökumenisches Heiligenlexikon
 Ökumenisches Heiligenlexikon - Leben und
Wirken von mehr als 3.000 Personen der
katholischen Kirche, der orthodoxen Kirchen,
der protestantischen und anglikanischen
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