 Resources for the Religious Life and Priesthood in the Catholic Church today
 Los miembros de la Orden Seglar de los Carmelitas
Descalzos son fieles de la Iglesia llamados a
vivir en obsequio de Jesucristo a través de la
amistad con Quien sabemos nos ama
 COMUNIDAD VIATORIANA: Religiosos y Asociados,
dos estados de vida y una misma comunidad
Colorado Vincentian Volunteers
 We are a community of faith and action that responds to the Gospel call in the spirit of St. Vincent de Paul. We are young men and women, ages 22-30, who serve Denver's poor, elderly, homeless, developmentally disabled and troubled youth.
Frati Poveri
 We want to live as Jesus through the example
of Mary ALL the Gospel with the facts & in the
truth. We live without money even if it's not
bad to touch it. We have the Spirit of the 1st
Franciscans & 1st Carmelites.
Ins Kloster gehen... Berufung zum Ordensleben
 Hast Du schon mal darüber nachgedacht, dass Du
eine Berufung hast? Vielleicht sogar eine
Berufung zu einem geistlichen Leben als
Priester oder als Ordensmann? Dann solltest Du
hier weiterlesen...
IVE Vocations
 The Institute of the Incarnate Word (IVE) was
the first branch of the Religious Family of the
Incarnate Word to be founded by Fr. Carlos
Miguel Buela in 1984.
Legionari di Cristo -
 Il sito più comprensivo sulla Vocazione
cattolica nel Web. Leggi le nostre
testimonianze e le nostre domande. Se non
trovi le risposte giuste alle tue domande
sulla vocazione, semplicemente chiedi: siamo
qui per aiutare!
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