Edmund Rice Centre
 The Edmund Rice Centre is involved in a range of projects and activities across the four areas of its operation in research, community education, advocacy and networking.
Karmelcentra van Spiritualiteit
 Gemeenschappen waar mensen leven volgens de Regel van de Karmel. Men woont weliswaar afzonderlijk, maar komt regelmatig samen om te vieren
National Center for Padre Pio
 Information on the Padre Pio Center located in Barto, PA. Also includes prayers and biographical information on the life of this saint.
Saint Thomas More Centre
 Aims to bring australian catholics together
through programs and activities. Includes a
newsletter, topical documents, regional
centers and events.
USC Catholic Community
 The Catholic Center serves the University of Southern California, providing religious, spiritual, educational, social and service opportunities for the students at USC. Includes calendar, mission statement, newsletters and articles.
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