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At the Gate of Bliss   
Catholic Converts Information Page
Audio of Household of Faith Produced by EWTN   
Rosalind Moss, Jewish background, a former Evangelical & Kristine Franklin a former Fundamentalist. Both share their conversion story to the Catholic Faith. Conversion to Catholicism Step by Step
Catholics Come Home   
We're here to help you begin or continue your faith journey, so you can find true peace, happiness and purpose in life.
Católicos Regresen   
Gracias por aceptar nuestra invitación de aprender más acerca de Católicos Regresen y acerca de como puedes volver a tu fe católica.
Historic Catholic Converts to Catholicism   
Real Audio of Historic Catholic Converts to Catholicism Produced by EWTN Hosted by Fr. Charles Connor. 16 part series from EWTN on well-known Catholic converts in history.
Musings of a Catholic Convert   
Daily devotional writings from a former Baptist pastor turned Catholic apologist. Topics include Scripture, conversion, current events, and practical apologetics. Visitors may contact the author with their own questions about the Church.
The Coming Home Network International (CHNetwork)   
provide fellowship, encouragement and support for pastors and laymen of other traditions (Protestant, Orthodox, etc..) who are somewhere along the journey or have already converted to the Catholic Church.
Waking Up Catholic - RCIA Resources   
Waking Up Catholic provides information about the basic tenets and beliefs of the Catholic faith for those going through RCIA, cradle Catholics looking to reawaken their faith, and those new to faith.
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