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b-abba.com, Christian and catholic, The wind blows where it wil   
The bases of Christian Faith
CaFE, short for Catholic Faith Exploration, is a very successful small group program developed in the English Catholic Church, that is based on three successive video courses.
Catholic Evangelization   
Evangelization for catholics and information.
Catholic Spiritual Reflections   
A scripture-based evangelization site designed to focus the person of the Incarnate Word, his life, mission, church and his great love for mankind; to elicit a loving response from mankind in return.
Catholic Way   
The Catholic Way is a way of being Christian; a dynamic way of living the gospel in its fullness.
Site de dessins humoristiques ou didactiques au sujet des relations de l'Eglise avec le monde actuel. L'évangélisation par le sourire...
Centro Católico de Evangelización   
Información, reportajes y publicaciones que discuten temas de actualidad desde el punto de vista católico.
chretien et catholique - b-abba.fr - le vent souffle où il veut   
Les bases de la foi chrétienne.
a gentle invitation to those who are feeling far from the Catholic Church.
Custodio Animae   
Custodio Animae es un juego de rol cristiano, católico y gratuito que te permite vivir la historia de la Biblia acompañando a un ángel custodio.

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