Home > Catholicism > Prayer and Devotions > Rosary (26)

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Christians Pray the Rosary   
Christians Pray the Rosary and wear the Brown Scapular: We can help Mary save millions of souls if we will just heed her request. Try to understand the prayer that is so powerful, so beautiful, and so loved by Christ.
Ecumenical Miracle Rosary   
This web page will introduce you to a group of prayers called the Ecumenical Miracle Rosary. Since its prayers and mysteries are derived solely from the Bible, any Christian denomination will feel comfortable reciting this rosary.
El Rosario, la Oración de la Paz   
El Rosario, la Oración de la Paz. Libro divulgado por la Asociación Cultural Salvadme Reina de Fátima. El estuche contiene un libro explicando el rezo del Rosario con bonitos cuadros y un rosario de madera de regalo.
Equipes du Rosaire   
Site officiel. La Famille du Rosaire présente un fonds de textes ayant pour sujet la piété mariale mais aussi les équipes et le pélerinage.
How to Pray the Rosary   
guide to the fifteen mysteries reflected upon in the Rosary which are are divided into the five Joyful Mysteries, the five Sorrowful Mysteries, and the five Glorious Mysteries.
How To Pray The Rosary Everyday   
The Rosary is a centuries old prayer. This exhaustive resource for the Rosary creates an online community to support praying the Rosary. The Rosary prayers are examined and taught. Rosary mysteries are accompanied by numerous meditations.
Il Santo Rosario   
Il Santo Rosario, promesse della Madonna, come si recita, versetti, meditazioni, preghiere, immagini, clausole, litanie lauretane, magistero, la Santa Messa, coroncina della divina misericordia, via crucis, apparizioni, libri
Le Rosaire   
Par le pape Jean-Paul II...
Online Rosary Prayer   
The 15 mysteries of the Blessed Virgin Mary Rosary prayer. Straight forward on praying the Rosary with an online interactive walkthrough. Information on why the daily rosary and the benefits to those that recite it.
Regina del Santo Rosario   
Sito dedicato al Santo Rosario

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