Commissariato di Terra Santa di Puglia e Molise
Contiene: attività del Commissariato di Terra Santa; informazioni su pellegrinaggi, convento, Santuario Madonna della Vetrana in Castellana Grotte e attività del Santuario e
Biblioteca annessa, del Centro culturale "Duns Scoto".
Franciscan Friars of the Atonement
Information on the history, spirituality and ministry of the friars. Community was founded by Fr Paul Wattson in 1898 at Graymoor, New York
Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, NY
St Francis of Assisi was called to reform the church not in the way other saints had done, nor only for his own time, but for all time to come.
Holy Name Province Franciscan Friars
An evangelical fraternity of Roman Catholic
brothers and priests and their partners in
ministry who serve the Church on the east
coast of the USA and beyond, with particular
concern for the poor and the alienated.
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