Home > Church > Dioceses and Parishes > North America > United States > Massachusetts > Boston (10)

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Archdiocese of Boston, MA   
The official website for the Archdiocese of Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Boston's Basilica of Our Lady of Perpetual Help   
Roxbury. "A Lourdes in the land of the Puritans". Contact information, staff, services, bulletin, history, a section about Basilicas, information about the Redemptorists, and photo gallery.
Catholic Tri-Parishes of Brockton   
Welcome to the Brockton Catholic Tri-Parish Collaborative! Thanksgiving Day Mass. Please join us at 9:00am on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 23rd, at Christ the King
Friends of St. Peter Lithuanian Church   
An organization dedicated to challenging the intent of the archdiocese of Boston to close St. Peter Lithuanin Parish in South Boston. (Sv. Petro Lietuviu Parapijos Remejai )
Holy Trinity (German) Catholic Church   
Boston. In the South End. Offering Mass in English, German, and Latin. History, liturgical schedule, contact information, and directions.
Sacred Heart   
Devotion to the Sacred Heart is but a special form of devotion to Jesus. We shall know just what it is and what distinguishes it when we ascertain is object, its foundations, and its proper act.
Saint Christopher's Catholic Church   
A warm, spirited, multi-cultural parish that serves people on the Columbia Point peninsula in Boston. Since 1956, we have welcomed newcomers to our parish.
St. Barbara   
Our parish, St. Barbara's, is a community of God's people bound together by a faith in Jesus Christ. Our mission is to participate in the fullness of God's grace through the celebration of His sacraments
St. Josephs Catholic Church. Boston, MA   
Established in the Archidiocese of Boston in 1862 to respond to the religious, social and economic needs of thousands of Catholic immigrants who settled in the West End of Boston. Provides religious services, education and charitable outreach.
미국 메사츠세츠(Massachusetis) 주 보스톤(Boston) 소재. 본당소개, 주보, 사목지침, 구역모임, 청년회, 반석회, 게시판, 방명록, 가톨릭 링크, 복음묵상, 주일학교, 한글학교, 보스톤 현지생활 정보, 게시판 등의 정보를 제공.

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