Home > Catholicism > Prayer and Devotions (58)

Centering Prayer (3)
Contemplation (5)
Eucharistic Adoration (5)
Lectio Divina (8)
Litanies (3)
Meditation (6)
Novenas (5)
Rosary (26)
Stations of the Cross (2)
Sites List Viewing in Total Sites (58)
View in English Sites (25)
Prier.be : prières et méditations   
Prier.be propose des prières et méditations d'écrivains, de grandes figures religieuses mais également de mères de famille, de jeunes, d'anonymes.
Prière d'Eglise   
Présentation d'une méthode de prière basée sur le bréviaire, mais, adaptée aux laïcs. Egalement, présentation de la Bible, de la Genèse et de la Tradition catholique.
Prières et respirations   
Les salésiens nous offres en ligne>des textes pour prier, ou pour méditer qui viendront s'enrichir épisodiquement.
Seven dolors of Mary   
A collection of efficacious prayers, meditations and devotions for those needing Hope, Peace and Joy in their lives...
The Crusade of Mary Immaculate in Sheffield   
The Crusade of Mary Immaculate in Sheffield. MI PRAYER INTENTION October 2017. That the MI may be faithful to the missionary spirit for which it was born.
Thesaurus Precum Latinarum   
The Thesaurus Precum Latinarum - Treasury of Latin Prayers is a collection of Latin prayers and Latin hymns with English translations and brief commentaries.
Worship Chords is one of the best worship leadership resources for today’s most popular songs. You can simply come to the website and listen to the most requested worship authors like Joel Houston, Kari Jobe, Jenn Johnson, Travis Ryan, and more.
© MiryS - Un Angolo fiorito di Pace e di Preghiera    
Un piccolo angolo d'armonia e di luce che racchiude in sé il profumo di Dio e l`Amore per il prossimo!
예수회 웹기도실   
웹기도실 안내와 성 이냐시오 영성카페, 기도 묵상 나누기 등 제공.

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