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Calvert Hall, Baltimore MD   
Calvert Hall is a Catholic, college preparatory school whose Mission is the education of young men from diverse backgrounds in the Lasallian tradition.
Education > High Schools
Vocations Placement Service   
Vocations Placement Service is a non-profit organization dedicated to one Mission: providing information on people and places who can help in the discernment process for those serious men and women who have a calling to the religious life.
Orders > Religious Vocations
Adrian Dominican Sisters   
In the Mission of Jesus we Adrian Dominican Sisters discover and identify ourselves to share faith and life with one another and sent into the world to be with others bearers and recipients of his love co-creators of his justice and peace.
Orders > Orders of Women > Dominican Sisters
Santa Maria de la Paz Catholic Community   
Santa Fe. Offers Mass in English and Spanish. Contact information, map, staff directory, Mass schedule, Mission statement, happenings.
Communities > Religious Communities
Diocese of Broome   
Missions · Social Justice Pastoral Letter & Social Justice Statement · Cath News · Broome Diocese WYD08 Photos
Church > Dioceses and Parishes > Oceania > Australia
The Mission of our company is to provide all Catholics with a Web Hosting provider that does not allow websites of any adult or pornographic material and donates a portion of its proceeds to Catholic organizations.
Products & Services > Web Services
Ordensgemeinschaft mit etwa 4000 Mitgliedern, die schwerpunktmäßig in Übersee arbeiten.
Organizations > Missions
Blauvelt Dominican Sisters - Blauvelt, New York   
The Blauvelt Dominican Congregation is part of the worldwide Dominican family founded by Dominic de Guzman in Europe in 1216. Their Mission is to preach the good news of the compassionate love of God for every person.
Orders > Orders of Women > Dominican Sisters
Congregation of the Mission, Eastern Province   
The Vincentians are an order that provides relief to the poor worldwide.
Orders > Orders of Men > Vincentians
Franciscan Missionaries of Mary   
To be a Franciscan Missionary of Mary is a gift from God. It is a call to announce the Good News.
Orders > Orders of Women > Franciscan Sisters
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