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Sagrada Família   
A Comunidade Católica Sagrada Família é formada por casais que vivem a espiritualidade da Renovação carismática Católica. Têm como missão Evangelizar e Resgatar a Família para a construção da Civilização do Amor.
San Viator blog   
Blog de la Comunidad Viatoriana
Santa Maria de la Paz Catholic Community   
Santa Fe. Offers Mass in English and Spanish. Contact information, map, staff directory, Mass schedule, mission statement, happenings.
Servidores de la Luz    
El motivo que ha producido la confección de esta página web, refiere a una Información para todas Aquellas personas, interesadas en el conocimiento de los aspectos teúrgicos.
Servidores del Evangelio de la Misericordia de Dios   
Website sobre la comunidad misionera Servidores del Evangelio de la Misericordia de Dios.
Los Servidores Desconocidos son personas que actuan de forma silenciosa, para la Regeneración y Reintegración del ser humano, en unión y a la Gloria del GADU.
Sisters of Loretto   
The Loretto Community (Sisters of Loretto and Co-members of Loretto) exists to praise God and minister to people. We live the gospel, share faith, work for justice, and act for peace.
Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Church, Spokane, WA   
"Together with Mary," Mother of the Church, we communicate the knowledge and love of Christ and His Church through communal charity and joyful evangelization. (Charism)
Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity - Robstown, TX   
A community of disciples of Jesus and Mary composed of all vocations: priests, deacons, brothers, sisters and single and married laity. The Society was founded in 1958 and has been approved by Rome as a Society of Apostolic Life.
Society of Our Mother of Peace: Hermitage, Monastic   
The Society is composed of three separate Communities: the Sons of Our Mother of Peace for Religious Priests and Brothers; the Daughters of Our Mother of Peace for Religious Sisters and the Lay Members Community for lay married or single men and women.

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