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Marymount University,VA   
A comprehensive, coeducational Catholic university established inArlington in 1950 by the Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary.
Marywood University, Scranton PA   
A Catholic university sponsored by the Congregation of the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Marywood University roots itself in the principle of justice and a belief that education empowers people. Enacting its ideals, Marywood offers st
Merrimack College   
Merrimack College, a small, comprehensive, Catholic center of learning in the Northeast, reflects in its policies the teaching traditions of the founding Order of St. Augustine: to provide, in a Christian, values-sensitive environment.
Milltown Institute, College Ireland   
The Milltown Institute is Ireland's leading College for Theology, Philosophy and Spirituality. The College provides Theology, Philosophy and Spirituality courses up to doctorate level in Dublin, Ireland.
Mount Carmel College of Nursing   
Mount Carmel College of Nursing Catholic - Caring - Committed!!!
Mt. St. Mary's College and Seminary, MD   
America's oldest independent Catholic college, nationally recognized for our core, liberal arts programs. Located in Emmitsburg, Maryland.
Netherhall House   
We are Netherhall House a student residency for young Catholics who want to live their faith, excel in their studies and create solid relationships.
Opera salesiana San Giovanni Bosco - L'Aquila   
Collegio universitario, centro di formazione professionale, oratorio, sala cinematografica e luogo di ospitalità estiva anche per gruppi.
Pontificia Università Gregoriana   
Sito principale dell'Ateneo.
Pontificia Università Lateranense   
Pontificia Università Lateranense nella Città del Vaticano. Facoltà di Teologia, Filosofia, Giurisprudenza, Diritto Canonico e Istituto Pastorale a Roma.

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