Sites Found(Total 24)

Women for Faith and Family   
Women for Faith and Family was formed to assist in distribution of the Affirmation, to foster greater communication among faithful Catholic women, and to be helpful in communicating their concerns to the bishops and other Church leaders
Organizations > Family/ Life
Gabriel Project   
network of Churches whose parishioners offer practical help and emotional support to women in crisis pregnancies.
Organizations > Family/ Life
이삭 도우미개 학교   
수원교구 사회복지회 소속(화성시 무송동 소재). 장애인 도우미 개 훈련소. 학교소개, 연혁, 도우미개 소개, 훈련과정, 애완견 백과사전/문화교실, 언론보도, 게시판 등의 정보를 제공.
Education > Home Schooling & Distance Learning
Society of helpers, Chicago, IL   
A society of vowed women who help wherever they can whenever they can.
Orders > Orders of Women
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