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Alton Franciscans   
Sisters of St. Francis of the Martyr St. George, St. Francis Convent. The American branch of an International nursing order founded in Germany in the 1800's. Vocational, history and charisma information available.
Orders > Orders of Women > Franciscan Sisters
The Halo on the Internet   
The official web site for the Catholic charismatic Renewal of the Archdiocese of San Francisco.
Organizations > Movements > Charismatic Renewal
eglise sainte marie   
eglise de traditon catholique, autocéphale,fondée en 1964 en Normandie. Messe et liturgie de saint Pie V.ministere charismatique de guérison spirituelle. accueil pastoral d'esprit evangélique.accueil oecumenique.
Information > Other Catholics
Union of Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary   
History. Nano Nagle · Beginnings · charism · Ireland to America · Icon. Communities. Province Communities · International Communities. Vocations. Fargo, ND
Orders > Orders of Women > Sisters of the Presentation of Mary
Sisters of the Holy Cross    
charism · Spirituality · Identity · Ministry · Beginnings · Emblem · Outreach · Challenge · News.
Orders > Orders of Women > Sisters of the Holy Cross
Marian Sisters of the Diocese of Lincoln, Waverly, NE   
A history, their charism, what they do, and where they work and pray.
Orders > Orders of Women
Kirche der Neuchristen   
Die vom charismatischen Schwert-Bischof gegründete Gemeinschaft röm.-kath. Glaubens stellt sich vor und bietet regelmäßige Monatsschreiben sowie weitere Schriften und Bücher.
Information > Other Catholics
Congrégation des Soeurs du Saint-Rosaire   
Toutes les informations concernant l'historique de la congrégation, sa spiritualité et son charisme. Extraits vidéo, section "Quoi de neuf?", section "Place aux jeunes"....
Communities > Congregations
Religious of Jesus and Mary in the United States   
The Religious of Jesus and Mary - United States Province. charisma, locational and vocational information is provided.
Orders > Orders of Women
Catholic Charistmatic Renewal Of Nigeria   
The Catholic charismatic Renewal of Nigeria (CCRN) is a Spirit-filled movement within the Holy Catholic Church. It is a movement of the Holy Spirit offered to the entire Church and destined to rejuvenate every part of the Church's life.
Organizations > Movements > Charismatic Renewal
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