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National Association of Pastoral Musicians   
Welcome to our Web site. We are dedicated to serving the pastoral community.
National Association of State Catholic Conference Directors   
An association of the Executive Directors of the State Catholic Conferences, organized in 1968 to facilitate and encourage the exchange of information among its members pertaining to the activities, programs and organizations of the Conferences.
National Association of the Holy Name Society   
The National Association of the Holy Name Society promotes the honor and glory of our Divine God and the personal sanctification of its members by acts of love and devotion to the most Holy Name of Jesus.
National Associaton of Hispanic Priest   
ANSH is an association of priests, fruit of the long process of development and consolidation of various other associations of priests, established according to the guidelines of the document "Presbiterorum ordinis"
National Catholic Committee on Scouting   
The National Catholic Committee on Scouting (NCCS) is a church committee of concerned Catholic Laity and Clergy which is advisory to the Boy Scouts of America
National Catholic Offices for Persond with Disabilities   
Thank you for contacting the National Catholic Office for Persons with Disabilities (NCPD). We hope that we can assist you in creating welcoming and accessible faith communities for Catholics with disabilities."
National Christ Child Society   
The Christ Child Society is a non-profit Catholic association of volunteers, embracing members of all denominations, expressing their love of the Christ Child by service to God's children regardless of race or creed
National Conference for Catechetical Leadership   
NCCL is a catholic association dedicated to the advancing the church's teaching mission in the United States.
National Marketing Campaign for Catholic Schools Week   
Celebrate a new century for Catholic Schools with the Official 2001 Catholic Schools Week and National Marketing Campaign.
NGOabroad: International Careers & Volunteering   
NGOabroad provides frugal, customized international volunteer options and helps people enter international humanitarian work. http://www.ngoabroad.com/ Interested? See http://www.ngoabroad.com/

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