Missionaries of the Liturgy
 A new Public Association of the Faithful in
the Diocese of Marquette in the Upper
Peninsula of Michigan established with the
intention of becoming a religious institute in
the Catholic Church.
School Sisters of Saint Francis
 The School Sisters of St. Francis are an international community of more than 1,400 women in the United States, Europe, Latin America and India.
School Sisters of St. Francis of Christ the King
 The Lemont Franciscans are a province of the Congregation of St. Francis of Assisi.
Vision Statement of the School Sisters of St. Francis of Christ the King Rooted in Gospel values, our tradition and our heritage.
Sisters of Saint Francis of Millvale, Mount Alvernia PA
 It is the home to over 200 religious sisters. Lay associate women and men members join the community in prayer and ministry, as they address the needs of hungry brothers and sisters in human services, housing, education and health care.
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