Salesian Missions
Salesian Missions On-line is the official home
page of the New Rochell, NY, Mission Office.
St. Peter Chanel Catholic Mission
It is our hope and belief that as a community, we will all work together through our prayers, presence, talents, and technical gifts in building up the new mission of St. Peter Chanel.
The Society For The Propagation of the Faith
The Society for the Propagation of the Faith was founded in Lyons, France in 1822 by a young French laywoman, Pauline Jaricot, who felt called by the Lord to help the Catholic Church's worldwide missionary task
Vincentian Service Corps
The Vincentian Service Corps is a faith-based service organization. Our members serve in Vincentian ministries, such as healthcare, social services, and many schools and educational programs to improve the lives of those in need.
교황청 전교기구 한국지부
기도와 나눔을 통한 세계 복음화 지원을 위해 설립. 한국지부 소개, 게시판, 선교 자료실, "선교생활", 교황청 전교회, 어린이 전교회, 베드로 사도회, 교황청 전교연맹 등의 정보를 제공.
대구 미바회
대구대교구 소속(대구시 중구 소재). 무사고 운전과 탑승에 감사하는 헌금으로 선교사를 돕는 단체. 소개, 역사, 지원실적, 규약, 가입안내, 게시판 등의 정보를 제공.
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