Fratelli della Carità
 Informazioni su questa congregazione religiosa che ha ramificazioni in diverse parti del mondo. Vengono descritti inoltre gli scopi e la storia, nonchè la struttura dell'organizzazione
 FreshMinistries aims to empower people of all
faiths and religions. We aim to eradicate poverty
and impart economic, health, and education
opportunities to communities around the world.
Handicap International
 Handicap International a pour objectif de faciliter la réadaptation physique et professionnelle des personnes en situation de handicap, que ce soit sur le plan physique, mental, sensoriel, économique ou social.
Hands that Help
 Teams of volunteers donate their time, money
and personal vehicles to transport the
donations to orphanages and shelters in
Germany, Hungary, Italy and Romania.
Hogar de Cristo
 Explica las muchas formas de colaborar con
esta obra benéfica, presenta sus diversos
proyectos solidarios, su institucionalidad y
antecedentes sobre su fundador el Padre
Hurtado. Incluye documentos, directorio
nacional, y otros recursos.
Jesuit Social Services
 Information about this organisation which helps needy people. Includes news, publications and volunteer information.
Jesuit Volunteer Corps
 Serve the homeless, the unemployed, refugees, people with AIDS, the elderly, street youth, abused women and children, the mentally ill and the developmentally disabled.
Kirche in Not/Ostpriesterhilfe
 Die Organisation versucht, Priestern in Ost-Ländern zu helfen. Informiert über die Arbeit, stellt Projekte vor und berichtet über die Möglichkeit, zu helfen.
Medjugorje International Relief
 Small charity group started in Manchester (UK)
during the war in Bosnia, initially sending
aid there, now, some 15 years later still
continuing in a small way in many countries in
support of the poor & the church
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