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Children of Hope   
Children of Hope is promoting Eucharistic adoration of Jesus in His Real Presence in the monstrance exposed in Catholic Churches around the world. We want children brought into His presence for holy hours that lead them into contmplative prayer.
Youth > Teens
Medieval Archaeology of Churches~Cathedrals,Castles   
I am going to be looking in to some historic Churches,Cathedrals, Castles & famous medieval figures in England & further a field for those interested in learning about the history behind them.
Catholic Culture > History
Liturgy-The Source and Summit of the Christian Life   
offers planning for the Church year.
Catholic Culture > Liturgy
Conference of Diocesan Vocations Directors   
Comprehensive and up-to-date information about a wide variety of vocations in the Catholic Church, including priesthood, diaconate, religious life, missionary life, and lay movements.
Organizations > Vocations
Musings of a Catholic Convert   
Daily devotional writings from a former Baptist pastor turned Catholic apologist. Topics include Scripture, conversion, current events, and practical apologetics. Visitors may contact the author with their own questions about the Church.
Catholicism > Conversion to Catholicism
Original Catholic Oil Paintings for Churches and Homes   
Custom Original Religious Art Oil Paintings
Products & Services > Arts/Crafts
Resources for the Religious Life and Priesthood in the Catholic Church today
Orders > Religious Vocations
Christus Rex et Redemptor Mundi   
Catholic art and documents. Includes Catechism of the Catholic Church in several languages. Also hosts the home pages of several orders and groups.
Information > Archives
Agenda For Prophets   
Seeks to articulate a prophetic perspective on Church affairs and on wider social, cultural and political issues. Articles, archive, quotes and contact.
Information > Archives
Bishop Hogan Memorial School, Chillicothe MO   
Bishop Hogan Memorial School is the primary educational ministry of St. Columban's Church in Chillicothe, Missouri.
Education > Elementary/Primary Schools
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