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Center of Concern    
Center of Concern is an independent, interdisciplinary organization which offers hope for creating a global society with economic justice for all, and direction to meet the challenges of a new age.
Development and Peace   
Development and Peace (The Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace) is the official international development organization of the Catholic Church in Canada and the Canadian member of Caritas Internationalis.
Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS)   
International Catholic organization which engages in charitable, educational, social, pastoral, health, and legal projects and advocacy on behalf of refugees and forcibly displaced people.
Justice Education in Catholic Schools    
A sub-group of the the Catholic Commission for Justice, Development and Peace, Melbourne, Australia. The site contains resources and links on international and national social justice issues and articles on social justice educations.
NETWORK - A National Catholic Social Justice Lobby   
A National Catholic Social Justice Lobby, NETWORK educates, lobbies and organizes to influence the formation of federal legislation to promote economic and social justice.
North Dakota Catholic Conference   
The North Dakota Catholic Conference is the official public policy voice for the Catholic Bishops of North Dakota on matters of public policy.
Office for Social Justice   
Office for Social Justice is to serve the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis as its primary resource and catalyst for the work of social justice.
Secours populaire français   
Association humanitaire - Le Secours populaire français soutient, dans l'esprit de la Declaration universelle des droits de l'homme, aux plans matériel, sanitaire, medical et juridique, les personnes et les familles victimes de l'injustice sociale.
The Catholic-Labor Network   
A loose organization of Catholic men and women in the United States concerned about social justice for working people. Catholic social teaching, especially as it relates to labor. Links.
Xt3 – More Than A Social Network   
Xt3 is a content-driven Catholic social network born out of WYD08. Xt3's mission is to provide authentic, genuine formation through our resource library

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