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International Confederation of Christian Family Movements   
Helping its members live their human and Christian vocations and bear witness to the essential values of the family, based upon the Faith as announced by the Gospel and proposed by the teachings of the Catholic Church.
International Eucharistic Congress of Quebec 2008   
It will be an occasion for Catholics of the whole world to celebrate their faith in the Eucharist and to give witness to the Gospel by living moments of prayer, reflection and fraternity.
L'Arche Chicago   
Provides support, caring and responding to people with disabilities. Includes overview of programs, local and organizational history, opportunities, newsletters, events calendar, and contacts.
Comunidad de varones que se reunen cada 15 dias a la sombra de los Santuarios de Schoenstatt en Quito, para dejarse llevar de la mano de María a Dios, y así contribuir a transforar el mundo
MCC: Le Mouvement Chrétien des Cadres et dirigeants   
Le MCC a pour mission d'aider ses membres à agir davantage selon l'Esprit du Christ dans les lieux où s'exercent leurs responsabilités en vue de bâtir un monde plus humain.
Militia Immaculatae - Centro Internazionale   
Sito Ufficiale - Storia del Movimento francescano-mariano, la Medaglia Miracolosa, vita e scritti di San Massimiliano Kolbe, Documenti, Mass-Media, Notizie, Contatti e Links.
Militia of the Immaculata   
The Militia of the Immaculata (MI) Marian consecration movement for worldwide evangelization was founded by Saint Maximilian Kolbe. Marytown, home of a group of Conventual Franciscans, is the MI National Center.
Movimento Cllesiale Carmelitano   
Nasce dall’amicizia tra alcuni religiosi carmelitani e alcuni fedeli laici riuniti nella stessa passione per Gesù e per la Sua Chiesa coscienti della comune dignità battesimale.
movimento missionario ecclesiale Apostoli della Parola   
la spiritualità del movimento è dare una risposta cattolica a tutte le obbiezioni e far riscoprire la propria identità
Movimiento de las Familias de Nazaret   
Somos un movimiento internacional católico de apostolado de familias, cuyo objetivo es profundizar en la santificación de sus miembros.

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