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franciscan Sisters of the Sorrowful Mother, Nebraska   
franciscan Sisters of the Sorrowful Mother are a Religious Community in the Diocese of Lincoln, Nebraska
Orders > Orders of Women > Franciscan Sisters
Sisters of St. Francis - Denver, Colorado   
Marycrest, home of Denver franciscan Women who are devoted to Gospel life in action and contemplation.
Orders > Orders of Women > Franciscan Sisters > Poor Clare Sisters
Hermanos franciscanos de Cruz Blanca   
Huesca, España. Su carisma gira en torno a la asistencia a los enfermos incurables y a los más necesitados.
Orders > Orders of Men > Franciscans
St. Francis Mission Sisters, Wolfforth, TX   
The St. Francis Mission Sisters are a Roman Catholic franciscan religious community located near Lubbock TX serving the Dioceses of Lubbock
Orders > Orders of Women > Franciscan Sisters
Poor Clare's Sisters, Evansville, IN   
A resource listing of franciscan Poor Clare Sisters in the USA/Canada/Mexico and world. 24 Houses with Web pages and information to hundreds more.
Orders > Orders of Women > Franciscan Sisters > Poor Clare Sisters
Our Lady of Guadalupe Province   
franciscans. Order of Friars Minor, Our Lady of Guadalupe Province, Casa Juan Diego, 1204 Stinson Street, SW, Albuquerque, NM
Orders > Orders of Men > Franciscans > Friars Minor
Order of Friars Minor, Our Lady of Guadalupe Province   
The franciscan Friars of Our Lady of Guadalupe Province are men who choose to live a simple life-style in community. Become a franciscan. Is God calling you? Are you considering a religious vocation? We need franciscan vocations.
Orders > Orders of Men > Franciscans > Friars Minor
Programa Radiofónico Descalzos   
Se pueden escuchar y bajar los programas de radio.
Communication Media > Broadcasting > Radio
Sisters of St. Francis, Clinton, IA   
Corporate Stands · Resources · Advocacy · Earth · Alternative Energy · Climate Change · Food · Water · Sustainable Clinton · Clinton Community Garden
Orders > Orders of Women > Franciscan Sisters
Ordem dos Frades Menores Capuchinhos   
Província Portuguesa dos franciscanos Missionários Capuchinhos. São Francisco de Assis, Espírito de Assis, Porciúncula (Capela Virtual)
Orders > Orders of Men > Franciscans > Capuchins
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