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Saint Francis Xavier's RC Church   
Falkirk. Location, Mass times, contact details, catholic schools, parish history and photos.
Church > Dioceses and Parishes > Europe > United Kingdom > Scotland
The Saint Louis de Gonzague Alumni Foundation, Inc   
SLGAFi is a MA-registered nonprofit organization established in honor of the Brothers of Christian Instruction by alumni of one of their many schools, "Institution Saint-Louis de Gonzague" in Haiti. Donation (online and by mail) accepted.
Youth > Young Adults
Diocese of Syracuse, NY   
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Syracuse with links to schools, parishes, jobs, charities, vocations, notices, events, and Catholic Sun Articles.
Church > Dioceses and Parishes > North America > United States > New York
Office for Youth Ministry Boston   
Helping Parishes, schools and Family's Grow Young Since 1938. The Ministry of - Advocacy, Catechesis, Community Life, Evangelization, Justice and Service, Leadership Development, Pastoral Care and Prayer and Worship.
Youth > Youth Ministries
Institute of Spirituality in Asia    
ISA serves the Dioceses and Parishes, Formation Houses and Seminaries, Religious Congregations and Societies, schools and Church-based programs and ministries in the academic and practical formation of Transformed Servant-Leaders
Orders > Orders of Men > Carmelites
Youth With A Mission Singapore   
Endeavors to become an international discipling community committed to raise a harvest force for mission into Asia. Calendar, schedule, worship, schools, courses. ministries, missions and contact.
Youth > Youth Missions
Saint Winin's Church   
Kilwinning, North Ayrshire. Mass times, contact details, parish groups, newsletter, church support services, Catholic schools.
Church > Dioceses and Parishes > Europe > United Kingdom > Scotland
Sacred Heart Church   
Rochdale, Manchester. Mass times, contact details, parish history, newsletter, schools.
Church > Dioceses and Parishes > Europe > United Kingdom > England > Manchester
Diocese of East Anglia   
Cambridge, Norfolk and Suffolk, England. Information on bishop, parishes, convents, schools, clergy and hospitals.
Church > Dioceses and Parishes > Europe > United Kingdom > England
Justice Education in Catholic schools    
A sub-group of the the Catholic Commission for Justice, Development and Peace, Melbourne, Australia. The site contains resources and links on international and national social justice issues and articles on social justice educations.
Organizations > Social Justice
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