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Cana Retreats - A Catholic Family Retreat Vacation   
A Catholic Family Retreat is a time to gather as a family with other Catholic families to rest, recreate, and share our common Catholic experiences. The retreat/vacation is located at the Watson Homestead in Painted Post, New York.
Catholic Culture > Retreat Centers
Archdiocese for the Military Services   
The Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA (or Military Ordinariate) is commissioned to provide the Catholic Church's full range of pastoral and spiritual services for those dedicated to national defense and to federal services overseas.
Church > Dioceses and Parishes > North America > United States
保定天主堂. ·我分享!我留言!! 玫瑰花. ·上海教区. 上海. ·保定教区动态图片影视空间. 爱的使者. ·教区论坛. 保定天主教. ·美德兰工作室
Church > Dioceses and Parishes > Asia > China
Catholic Counterpoint   
collection of Catholic videos, books, and audio tapes.
Products & Services > Books/Videos
Romeguide: Città del Vaticano   
Informazioni turistiche sui principali monumenti del Vaticano.
Church > The Holy See, Vatican
Gabriella's Blog   
Personal thoughts and musings of a Traditional Catholic wife and mother
Communities > Traditional Catholics
The Coming Home Network International (CHNetwork)   
provide fellowship, encouragement and support for pastors and laymen of other traditions (Protestant, Orthodox, etc..) who are somewhere along the journey or have already converted to the Catholic Church.
Catholicism > Conversion to Catholicism
invisible monastery of charity and fraternity   
The Invisible Monastery is a group of prayer and intercession. You can join us for free. By joining our extended family you can make a positive change to your future.
Communities > Groups
Catholic Charismatic Renewal    
Movement within the Catholic Church operating in the Melbourne Archdiocese that seeks to foster an awareness of the gift of God's Spirit and to help people develop a deeper personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Organizations > Movements > Charismatic Renewal
All Saints, Puyalluup WA   
Our model, Jesus Christ, guides All Saints Catholic School as we acknowledge the students as our reason for existence. We educate our students through an instructional program rooted in Christian moral values.
Education > Elementary/Primary Schools
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