Sites Found(Total 208)

天堂大理 - 天主教大理教区   
加入收藏 · 与我联系 · 网站简介. 天堂大理,是心灵栖息的地方. 大理州. 德宏州. 迪庆州. 怒江州. 丽江市. 保山市, 留言簿. 关注教宗
Church > Dioceses and Parishes > Asia > China
Hong Kong Catholic diocesan AV Centre   
香港天主教教區視聽中心 - 製作銷售各類宗教音像製品。
Church > Dioceses and Parishes > Asia > China > Hong Kong
Federation of diocesan Liturgical Commissions   
Order Publications, Bulletin Inserts, FDLC Membership Plans, Mailing List, and Newsletter from our Online Catalog
Catholic Culture > Liturgy
UK Priest - diocesan priesthood in England and Wales   
diocesan Vocations Service for England and Wales. Also gives information for those considering the priesthood or religious life.
Organizations > Vocations
If you are interested in learning more about the diocesan Priesthood, or if you would like to discuss your thoughts about becoming a Catholic priest visit this site.
Organizations > Vocations
Amici del seminario di Milano   
Bevanda celestiale Amici del Seminario di Milano Venegono Inferiore amici seminario milano venegono inferiore arcivescovile diocesano. Diocesi di Milano, Italia.
Organizations > Vocations
Conference of diocesan Vocations Directors   
Comprehensive and up-to-date information about a wide variety of vocations in the Catholic Church, including priesthood, diaconate, religious life, missionary life, and lay movements.
Organizations > Vocations
Convento San Domenico di Taggia   
Nel Centro di Spiritualità San Domenico di Taggia i gruppi parrocchiali e movimenti diocesani trovano un luogo dove gustare la Pace e la Parola del Signore.
Communities > Groups
Secular Order Servants of Mary   
The Secular Order of the Servants of Mary (Servite Secular Order) is a Catholic organization of lay men and women plus diocesan priests living their Christian faith in the context of the world.
Orders > Secular Third Orders
Cantwell-Sacred Heart of Mary High School, Montebello CA   
Cantwell Sacred Heart of Mary High School is an Archdiocesan Catholic coeducational High School which serves the students of the East Los Angeles and Western San Gabriel Valley areas.
Education > High Schools
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