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Sites Found(Total 134)

cana Retreats - A Catholic Family Retreat Vacation   
A Catholic Family Retreat is a time to gather as a family with other Catholic families to rest, recreate, and share our common Catholic experiences. The retreat/vacation is located at the Watson Homestead in Painted Post, New York.
Catholic Culture > Retreat Centers
canadian Divine Mercy Centre and Apostolate   
The CDMCA is a spiritual retreat facility in the beautiful Lanark Highlands. Offering guest house services, personal retreats, prayer ministry, walking trails on our extensive grounds and much more. Please visit our website for details.
Catholic Culture > Retreat Centers
Juventud Franciscana "Fray Leon"   
Fraternidad de Jovenes Franciscanos que seguimos a Jesus y sus enseñanzas, a ejemplo de nuestro hermano San Francisco. Colaboramos en la Basilica de San Francisco de la ciudad de La Paz - Bolivia
Youth > Teens
Dominican Academy, New York City NY   
For over 100 years, Dominican Academy has represented the best in Catholic education for young women in New York City.
Education > High Schools
This humble religious barely knew how to read and write, but he has climbed the highest step.
Catholic Culture > Saints
Deo est Gloria Religious Life Directory   
One of the largest online directories of monasteries and religious orders in the United States, Australia, canada, Ireland, and the United Kingdom. The "Deo est Gloria" Directory now has more than 900 Listings!
Communication Media > Internet > Search Engines/Directories
Association Catholique canadienne de la santé   
L'ACCS se préoccupe de la santé sous tous ses aspects: physique, psychologique, spirituel et social.
Communities > Associations
Joseph's Inspirational Services Inc.   
A lovely bookstore in Toronto, canada providing educational resources, church supplies, religious articles, inspirational books and DVDs, unique gift ideas for all seasons and more!
Products & Services > Books/Videos
---- Quiero Ser ------   
¿Quién ha dicho que es difícil ser santo? La santidad juvenil al alcance de la mano. Con muchos recursos para jóvenes: Videos, mp3, fotos, archivos, foros, radio, TV directo, Webcam Vaticana,... Y un especial sobre SANTO DOMINGO SAVIO.
Youth > Young Adults
St. Jude Religious Stores   
Three stores in Pennsylvania also offer shopping online or by toll-free phone in the United States and canada. Sellers of religious goods and church supplies.
Products & Services > Religious articles
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