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Marys Way Worldwide Apostolate   
Our mission is to promote the veneration of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, as the Mediatrix of All of God’s Graces for the Greater Glory of God and for the salvation of souls.

Holy Apostles, New Berlin WI   
Welcome to the Holy Apostles School web site.

St Mary's and the Missions   
St Mary's & the Missions Roman Catholic Churches, Grey County, Ontario. Wiarton food program, and the assistance Owen Sound gives to the other churches.

St. Raphael Roman Catholic Church - Springdale, Arkansas   
Provides mission statement, Mass, Reconciliation, and food pantry schedules, staff list, contacts, and general parish information.

Racine Dominicans WI   
We are sisters and associates in the Dominican Order, the Order of Preachers, committed to living out the Gospel in our lives

Saint Clare Church   
O'Fallon. Mission statement, Mass schedule, staff directory, map and directions, history.

Saints Columba-Brigid Montessori School   
Buffalo, New York. Under the wing of the Diocese of Buffalo. Ages 3-6, multiage classrooms. Contact information, mission and philosophy, online handbook, newsletter, policies, monthly calendar.

Focolare Movement Oceania   
offers towns and locations of witness, dialogues, and more.

Latin Liturgy Association   
The Latin Liturgy Association was founded in 1975 to promote the use of Latin, the customary language of the Roman Catholic Church, as appropriate in the liturgies of the contemporary church.

Medieval Archaeology of Churches~Cathedrals,Castles   
I am going to be looking in to some historic Churches,Cathedrals, Castles & famous medieval figures in England & further a field for those interested in learning about the history behind them.

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